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Blender Update #1

Today I was able to download Blender and try my hand at 3D modelling. As much as I would have loved to get started straight away, I wasn’t able to do as much as I would have liked to because much of my time was spent on figuring out the controls, key mapping, how to control my camera/viewfinder and how to import/render materials. I am following a series by Blender Guru on YouTube, as he has a full 14-minute playlist on understanding the basics of 3D modelling in Blender. Today, I was able to watch the first video and follow his tutorial successfully! I did have to make a few modifications to my computer mouse (mainly in the sensitivity of the scroll wheel, which moves your viewfinder around) and play with the settings on my MacBook Pro to accommodate the key mapping and functions I had to learn. Below is a very proud monkey head (a default shape in Blender, there’s no way I can sculpt something like that yet haha) wearing a party hat!

The head shape is imported by adding a new shape, which I can then colour by adding a material to the object and selecting the colour I want. I then adjusted the lighting and camera angle for rendering, which are both their own manipulable objects, and did the same to another imported shape (in this case, a cone) to make the party hat! In my next session, I will be making my first donut, the first of many videos that demonstrate donut creation. His donut tutorials are so popular in fact, that one fan who followed his tutorial put their Blender donut in their blockbuster hit, Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022). Pictured below is a screenshot of the donut from the film.

Below is a link to the playlist by Blender Guru that I will be following for much of my learning experience, including the video that I followed today.